
Go 9P library.
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qid.go (1602B)

      1 package lib9p
      3 import (
      4 	"fmt"
      5 )
      7 // QidType represents the type of Qid.
      8 type QidType uint8
     10 const (
     11 	QTDIR     QidType = 0x80 /* type bit for directories */
     12 	QTAPPEND          = 0x40 /* type bit for append only files */
     13 	QTEXCL            = 0x20 /* type bit for exclusive use files */
     14 	QTMOUNT           = 0x10 /* type bit for mounted channel */
     15 	QTAUTH            = 0x08 /* type bit for authentication file */
     16 	QTTMP             = 0x04 /* type bit for non-backed-up file */
     17 	QTSYMLINK         = 0x02 /* type bit for symbolic link */
     18 	QTFILE            = 0x00 /* type bits for plain file */
     19 )
     21 // Qid is the identifier of each file in 9P server.
     22 type Qid struct {
     23 	Type QidType // type of the file.
     24 	Vers uint32  // version of the file.
     25 	Path uint64  // uniq number of each file.
     26 }
     28 // unmarshalQid converts a byte array of Qid defined by 9P protocol
     29 // into a Qid struct.
     30 func unmarshalQid(b []byte) Qid {
     31 	return Qid{
     32 		Type: QidType(b[0]),
     33 		Vers: gbit32(b[1:5]),
     34 		Path: gbit64(b[5:13]),
     35 	}
     36 }
     38 // marshal converts the Qid into a byte array of Qid defined by 9P protocol.
     39 func (q Qid) marshal() []byte {
     40 	buf := make([]byte, 13)
     41 	buf[0] = uint8(q.Type)
     42 	pbit32(buf[1:5], q.Vers)
     43 	pbit64(buf[5:13], q.Path)
     44 	return buf
     45 }
     47 func (q Qid) String() string {
     48 	return fmt.Sprintf("(%016d %d %s)", q.Path, q.Vers, q.typeStr())
     49 }
     51 // TypeStr returns the q.Type() as string for debugging information.
     52 func (q Qid) typeStr() string {
     53 	var s string
     54 	t := q.Type
     55 	if t&QTDIR != 0 {
     56 		s += "d"
     57 	}
     58 	if t&QTAPPEND != 0 {
     59 		s += "a"
     60 	}
     61 	if t&QTEXCL != 0 {
     62 		s += "l"
     63 	}
     64 	if t&QTAUTH != 0 {
     65 		s += "A"
     66 	}
     67 	return s
     68 }