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kagero (5005B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # kagero: render webpages.
      3 # newlines with slash and following white spaces (tabs and spaces) are to be
      4 # deleted. 
      5 #TODO: stat(1) is not in POSIX: 7/14 removed stat(1) but not yet tested well.
      6 #      pathnames should not contain white spaces
      7 #      strftime() in awk is not POSIX.
      8 #BUG:  non html files are not copied after changed its directory.
      9 #      strftime() for awk is not POSIX compliant
     11 man=$(pwd)/man
     12 pub=$(pwd)/pub
     13 temp=$(pwd)/temp
     14 data=$(pwd)/data
     15 weblog=$data/weblog
     16 header="$temp/header.html"
     17 footer="$temp/footer.html"
     18 title="No Title"
     19 rss_description="RSS"
     20 rss="$pub/rss.xml"
     21 url=""
     22 . $data/conf
     24 ignore=$(printf ' ! -name "." ! -path "*/.*" ')
     26 error() { echo "error: " "$1" >&2; exit 1; }
     27 should_exist_dir() { [ ! -d "$1" ] && error "$1 should exist and be a directory"; }
     28 should_not_exist() { [ -e "$1" ] && error "$1 should not exist"; }
     30 usage(){
     31 	echo 'usage: '${0##*/}' [init|render]'
     32 	echo '	init: initialize current directory for static site'
     33 	echo '	render: render static pages'
     34 }
     36 list_files_to_replace(){
     37 	new_temp=$(cd "$temp" && eval "find . -type f ! -name '.' $ignore -newer $weblog")
     38 	if [ "$new_temp" ]; then
     39 		(cd "$man" && eval "find . -type f -name '*.html' $ignore"
     40 					  eval "find . -type f ! -name '*.html' $ignore -newer $weblog")
     41 	else
     42 		(cd "$man" && eval "find . -type f $ignore -newer $weblog")
     43 	fi
     44 }
     46 render_html(){
     47 	title=$(grep '<h1>' "$man/$1" | sed 's;^.*<h1>\(.*\)</h1>.*$;\1;' | sed 's;/;\\/;g')
     48 	cat "$header" "$man/$1" "$footer"                         |
     49 		sed '/\\$/{:a;N;/\\$/{$!ba;};s/\([^\]\)\\\n[ 	]*/\1/g;}' |
     50 		sed 's/\\\\$/\\/' |
     51 		sed 's/<!--title-->/'"$title"'/'
     52 }
     54 render_sitemap(){
     55 	echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
     56 	echo '<urlset xmlns="">'
     57 	cat |
     58 		awk '{print strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $1), $2}' | #not posix
     59 		sort -hr |
     60 		sed 's! \./! /!;s!/index.html!/!' |
     61 		sed -E 's;(^....-..-..?) (.*$);<url><loc>'"$url"'\2</loc><lastmod>\1</lastmod></url>;'
     62 	echo '</urlset>'
     63 }
     65 render_rss(){
     66 	build_date=$(date '+%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
     67 	echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
     68 	echo '<rss version="2.0">'
     69 	echo '<channel>'
     70 	echo '<title>'"$title"'</title>'
     71 	echo '<description>'"$rss_description"'</description>'
     72 	echo '<language>ja-jp</language>'
     73 	echo '<link>'"$url"'</link>'
     74 	echo '<lastBuildDate>'"$build_date"'</lastBuildDate>'
     75 	echo '<pubDate>'"$build_date"'</pubDate>'
     76 	echo '<docs></docs>'
     78 	cat |
     79 	while read date file; do
     80 		atitle=$(grep '<h1>' $man$file | sed 's;<h1>\(.*\)</h1>;\1;')
     81 		date=$(echo $date | awk '{print strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", $1)}') #not posix
     82 		echo '<item>'
     83 		echo '<title>'"$atitle"'</title>'
     84 		echo '<link>'"$url$file"'</link>'
     85 		echo '<guid>'"$url$file"'</guid>'
     86 		echo '<pubDate>'"$date"'</pubDate>'
     87 		printf '<description><![CDATA['
     88 		cat "$man$file" | sed '/\\$/{:a;N;/\\$/{$!ba;};s/\\\n[         ]*//g;}'
     89 		echo ']]></description>'
     90 		echo '</item>'
     91 	done
     92 	echo '</channel>'
     93 	echo '</rss>'
     94 }
     96 render_weblog(){
     97 	e=$(printf ' -name "*.html" ! -name "." ! -path "./error/*" ! -path "./draft/*"')
     98 	if [ -f "$weblog" ]; then
     99 		(cd "$man" && eval "find . -type f $e $ignore -newer $weblog" | 
    100 			ls_files_with_unix_time ) |
    101 			sort -h |
    102 			sed 's! \./! /!' >> "$weblog"
    103 	else	
    104 		(cd "$man" && eval "find . -type f $e $ignore" |
    105 			ls_files_with_unix_time ) |
    106 			sort -h |
    107 			sed 's! \./! /!' > "$weblog"
    108 	fi
    109 }
    111 ls_files_with_unix_time(){
    112 	Y=$(date "+%Y")
    113 	fs=$(cat | tr '\n' ' ')
    114 	if [ -n "$fs" ]; then
    115 		eval "ls -l $fs" |
    116 		awk '{print $8, $6, $7, $9}' |
    117 		awk -v Y=$Y '$1!~/:/{print}$1~/:/{$1=Y; print}' |
    118 		sed 's/Jan/01/; s/Feb/02/; s/Mar/03/; s/Apr/04/; s/May/05/; s/Jun/06/;
    119 			 s/Jul/07/; s/Aug/08/; s/Sep/09/; s/Oct/10/; s/Nov/11/; s/Dec/12/' |
    120 		awk '{printf "%s %02s %02s 00 00 00 %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4}' |
    121 		awk '{print mktime($1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6), $7}' #non-posix
    122 	fi
    123 }
    125 # main
    126 should_exist_dir "$man"
    127 should_exist_dir "$pub"
    128 should_exist_dir "$temp"
    129 should_exist_dir "$data"
    131 case "$1" in
    132 init)
    133 	echo 'not implemented' >&2
    134 	exit 1;
    135 	;;
    136 render)
    137 	(cd "$man" && eval "find . -type d $ignore" | cpio -pdu "$pub")
    138 	fs=$(
    139 		if [ -f "$weblog" ]; then
    140 			list_files_to_replace
    141 		else
    142 			cd "$man" && eval "find . -type f $ignore"
    143 		fi
    144 	)
    145 	if [ -n "$fs" ]; then
    146 		echo "$fs" | grep '\.html$' |
    147 			while read f; do #bottle neck
    148 				render_html "$f" > "$pub/$f"
    149 				touch -r "$man/$f" "$pub/$f"
    150 			done
    151 		echo "$fs" | grep -Ev '\.html$' |
    152 			(cd "$man" && cpio -pu "$pub")
    153 	fi
    155 	# delete deleted $man files from $pub
    156 	(cd $man && find .) | sed 's/^.*$/\! -path "&"/' | tr '\n' ' ' |
    157 		sed 's;^.*$;\(cd '$pub' \&\& find . & -delete\);' |
    158 		sh -s
    160 	render_weblog #>> "$weblog" # this redirect doesn't work for some reason
    161 	sort -k2 -r "$weblog" | uniq -f1 | sort -k1 -r |
    162 		render_sitemap > "$pub/sitemap.xml"
    163 	sort -k2 -r "$weblog" | uniq -f1 | sort -k1 -r | grep -v index.html |
    164 		render_rss > "$rss" #bottle neck
    165 	;;
    166 *)
    167 	usage >&2
    168 	exit 1
    169 	;;
    170 esac