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</a> 83 </li> 84 <li id="Model-Loading/Mesh"> 85 <a href="">Mesh </a> 86 </li> 87 <li id="Model-Loading/Model"> 88 <a href="">Model </a> 89 </li> 90 </ol> 91 </li> 92 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL"> 93 <span class="closed">Advanced OpenGL </span> 94 <ol> 95 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Depth-testing"> 96 <a href="">Depth testing </a> 97 </li> 98 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Stencil-testing"> 99 <a href="">Stencil testing </a> 100 </li> 101 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Blending"> 102 <a href="">Blending </a> 103 </li> 104 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Face-culling"> 105 <a href="">Face culling </a> 106 </li> 107 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Framebuffers"> 108 <a href="">Framebuffers </a> 109 </li> 110 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Cubemaps"> 111 <a href="">Cubemaps </a> 112 </li> 113 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-Data"> 114 <a href="">Advanced Data </a> 115 </li> 116 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-GLSL"> 117 <a href="">Advanced GLSL </a> 118 </li> 119 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Geometry-Shader"> 120 <a href="">Geometry Shader </a> 121 </li> 122 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing"> 123 <a href="">Instancing </a> 124 </li> 125 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Anti-Aliasing"> 126 <a href="">Anti Aliasing </a> 127 </li> 128 </ol> 129 </li> 130 <li id="Advanced-Lighting"> 131 <span class="closed">Advanced Lighting </span> 132 <ol> 133 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Advanced-Lighting"> 134 <a href="">Advanced Lighting </a> 135 </li> 136 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Gamma-Correction"> 137 <a href="">Gamma Correction </a> 138 </li> 139 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows"> 140 <span class="closed">Shadows </span> 141 <ol> 142 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Shadow-Mapping"> 143 <a href="">Shadow Mapping </a> 144 </li> 145 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Point-Shadows"> 146 <a href="">Point Shadows </a> 147 </li> 148 </ol> 149 </li> 150 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Normal-Mapping"> 151 <a href="">Normal Mapping </a> 152 </li> 153 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Parallax-Mapping"> 154 <a href="">Parallax Mapping </a> 155 </li> 156 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/HDR"> 157 <a href="">HDR </a> 158 </li> 159 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Bloom"> 160 <a href="">Bloom </a> 161 </li> 162 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Deferred-Shading"> 163 <a href="">Deferred Shading </a> 164 </li> 165 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/SSAO"> 166 <a href="">SSAO </a> 167 </li> 168 </ol> 169 </li> 170 <li id="PBR"> 171 <span class="closed">PBR </span> 172 <ol> 173 <li id="PBR/Theory"> 174 <a href="">Theory </a> 175 </li> 176 <li id="PBR/Lighting"> 177 <a href="">Lighting </a> 178 </li> 179 <li id="PBR/IBL"> 180 <span class="closed">IBL </span> 181 <ol> 182 <li id="PBR/IBL/Diffuse-irradiance"> 183 <a href="">Diffuse irradiance </a> 184 </li> 185 <li id="PBR/IBL/Specular-IBL"> 186 <a href="">Specular IBL </a> 187 </li> 188 </ol> 189 </li> 190 </ol> 191 </li> 192 <li id="In-Practice"> 193 <span class="closed">In Practice </span> 194 <ol> 195 <li id="In-Practice/Debugging"> 196 <a href="">Debugging </a> 197 </li> 198 <li id="In-Practice/Text-Rendering"> 199 <a href="">Text Rendering </a> 200 </li> 201 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game"> 202 <span class="closed">2D Game </span> 203 <ol> 204 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Breakout"> 205 <a href="">Breakout </a> 206 </li> 207 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Setting-up"> 208 <a href="">Setting up </a> 209 </li> 210 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Rendering-Sprites"> 211 <a href="">Rendering Sprites </a> 212 </li> 213 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Levels"> 214 <a href="">Levels </a> 215 </li> 216 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions"> 217 <span class="closed">Collisions </span> 218 <ol> 219 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Ball"> 220 <a href="">Ball </a> 221 </li> 222 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Collision-detection"> 223 <a href="">Collision detection </a> 224 </li> 225 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Collision-resolution"> 226 <a href="">Collision resolution </a> 227 </li> 228 </ol> 229 </li> 230 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Particles"> 231 <a href="">Particles </a> 232 </li> 233 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Postprocessing"> 234 <a href="">Postprocessing </a> 235 </li> 236 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Powerups"> 237 <a href="">Powerups </a> 238 </li> 239 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Audio"> 240 <a href="">Audio </a> 241 </li> 242 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Render-text"> 243 <a href="">Render text </a> 244 </li> 245 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Final-thoughts"> 246 <a href="">Final thoughts </a> 247 </li> 248 </ol> 249 </li> 250 </ol> 251 </li> 252 <li id="Guest-Articles"> 253 <span class="closed">Guest Articles </span> 254 <ol> 255 <li id="Guest-Articles/How-to-publish"> 256 <a href="">How to publish </a> 257 </li> 258 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020"> 259 <span class="closed">2020 </span> 260 <ol> 261 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT"> 262 <span class="closed">OIT </span> 263 <ol> 264 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT/Introduction"> 265 <a href="">Introduction </a> 266 </li> 267 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT/Weighted-Blended"> 268 <a href="">Weighted Blended </a> 269 </li> 270 </ol> 271 </li> 272 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/Skeletal-Animation"> 273 <a href="">Skeletal Animation </a> 274 </li> 275 </ol> 276 </li> 277 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021"> 278 <span class="closed">2021 </span> 279 <ol> 280 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/CSM"> 281 <a href="">CSM </a> 282 </li> 283 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene"> 284 <span class="closed">Scene </span> 285 <ol> 286 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Scene-Graph"> 287 <a href="">Scene Graph </a> 288 </li> 289 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Frustum-Culling"> 290 <a href="">Frustum Culling </a> 291 </li> 292 </ol> 293 </li> 294 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Tessellation"> 295 <span class="closed">Tessellation </span> 296 <ol> 297 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Tessellation/Height-map"> 298 <a href="">Height map </a> 299 </li> 300 </ol> 301 </li> 302 </ol> 303 </li> 304 </ol> 305 </li> 306 <li id="Code-repository"> 307 <a href="">Code repository </a> 308 </li> 309 <li id="Translations"> 310 <a href="">Translations </a> 311 </li> 312 <li id="About"> 313 <a href="">About </a> 314 </li> 315 </ol> 316 </nav> 317 <main> 318 <h1 id="content-title">Materials</h1> 319 <h1 id="content-url" style='display:none;'>Lighting/Materials</h1> 320 <p> 321 In the real world, each object has a different reaction to light. Steel objects are often shinier than a clay vase for example and a wooden container doesn't react the same to light as a steel container. Some objects reflect the light without much scattering resulting in small specular highlights and others scatter a lot giving the highlight a larger radius. If we want to simulate several types of objects in OpenGL we have to define <def>material</def> properties specific to each surface. 322 </p> 323 324 <p> 325 In the previous chapter we defined an object and light color to define the visual output of the object, combined with an ambient and specular intensity component. When describing a surface we can define a material color for each of the 3 lighting components: ambient, diffuse and specular lighting. By specifying a color for each of the components we have fine-grained control over the color output of the surface. Now add a shininess component to those 3 colors and we have all the material properties we need: 326 </p> 327 328 <pre><code> 329 #version 330 core 330 struct Material { 331 vec3 ambient; 332 vec3 diffuse; 333 vec3 specular; 334 float shininess; 335 }; 336 337 uniform Material material; 338 </code></pre> 339 340 <p> 341 In the fragment shader we create a <code>struct</code> to store the material properties of the surface. We can also store them as individual uniform values, but storing them as a struct keeps it more organized. We first define the layout of the struct and then simply declare a uniform variable with the newly created struct as its type. 342 </p> 343 344 <p> 345 As you can see, we define a color vector for each of the Phong lighting's components. The <var>ambient</var> material vector defines what color the surface reflects under ambient lighting; this is usually the same as the surface's color. The <var>diffuse</var> material vector defines the color of the surface under diffuse lighting. The diffuse color is (just like ambient lighting) set to the desired surface's color. The <var>specular</var> material vector sets the color of the specular highlight on the surface (or possibly even reflect a surface-specific color). Lastly, the <var>shininess</var> impacts the scattering/radius of the specular highlight. 346 </p> 347 348 <p> 349 With these 4 components that define an object's material we can simulate many real-world materials. A table as found at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> shows a list of material properties that simulate real materials found in the outside world. The following image shows the effect several of these real world material values have on our cube: 350 </p> 351 352 <img src="/img/lighting/materials_real_world.png"/> 353 354 <p> 355 As you can see, by correctly specifying the material properties of a surface it seems to change the perception we have of the object. The effects are clearly noticeable, but for the more realistic results we'll need to replace the cube with something more complicated. In the <a href="" target="_blank">Model Loading</a> chapters we'll discuss more complicated shapes. 356 </p> 357 358 <p> 359 Figuring out the right material settings for an object is a difficult feat that mostly requires experimentation and a lot of experience. It's not that uncommon to completely destroy the visual quality of an object by a misplaced material. 360 </p> 361 362 <p> 363 Let's try implementing such a material system in the shaders. 364 </p> 365 366 <h1>Setting materials</h1> 367 <p> 368 We created a uniform material struct in the fragment shader so next we want to change the lighting calculations to comply with the new material properties. Since all the material variables are stored in a struct we can access them from the <var>material</var> uniform: 369 </p> 370 371 <pre><code> 372 void main() 373 { 374 // ambient 375 vec3 ambient = lightColor * material.ambient; 376 377 // diffuse 378 vec3 norm = normalize(Normal); 379 vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightPos - FragPos); 380 float diff = max(dot(norm, lightDir), 0.0); 381 vec3 diffuse = lightColor * (diff * material.diffuse); 382 383 // specular 384 vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewPos - FragPos); 385 vec3 reflectDir = reflect(-lightDir, norm); 386 float spec = pow(max(dot(viewDir, reflectDir), 0.0), material.shininess); 387 vec3 specular = lightColor * (spec * material.specular); 388 389 vec3 result = ambient + diffuse + specular; 390 FragColor = vec4(result, 1.0); 391 } 392 </code></pre> 393 394 <p> 395 As you can see we now access all of the material struct's properties wherever we need them and this time calculate the resulting output color with the help of the material's colors. Each of the object's material attributes are multiplied with their respective lighting components. 396 </p> 397 398 <p> 399 We can set the material of the object in the application by setting the appropriate uniforms. A struct in GLSL however is not special in any regard when setting uniforms; a struct only really acts as a namespace of uniform variables. If we want to fill the struct we will have to set the individual uniforms, but prefixed with the struct's name: 400 </p> 401 402 <pre><code> 403 lightingShader.setVec3("material.ambient", 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.31f); 404 lightingShader.setVec3("material.diffuse", 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.31f); 405 lightingShader.setVec3("material.specular", 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); 406 lightingShader.setFloat("material.shininess", 32.0f); 407 </code></pre> 408 409 <p> 410 We set the ambient and diffuse component to the color we'd like the object to have and set the specular component of the object to a medium-bright color; we don't want the specular component to be too strong. We also keep the shininess at <code>32</code>. 411 </p> 412 413 <p> 414 We can now easily influence the object's material from the application. Running the program gives you something like this: 415 </p> 416 417 <img src="/img/lighting/materials_with_material.png" class="clean"/> 418 419 <p> 420 It doesn't really look right though? 421 </p> 422 423 <h2>Light properties</h2> 424 <p> 425 The object is way too bright. The reason for the object being too bright is that the ambient, diffuse and specular colors are reflected with full force from any light source. Light sources also have different intensities for their ambient, diffuse and specular components respectively. In the previous chapter we solved this by varying the ambient and specular intensities with a strength value. We want to do something similar, but this time by specifying intensity vectors for each of the lighting components. If we'd visualize <var>lightColor</var> as <code>vec3(1.0)</code> the code would look like this: 426 </p> 427 428 <pre><code> 429 vec3 ambient = vec3(1.0) * material.ambient; 430 vec3 diffuse = vec3(1.0) * (diff * material.diffuse); 431 vec3 specular = vec3(1.0) * (spec * material.specular); 432 </code></pre> 433 434 <p> 435 So each material property of the object is returned with full intensity for each of the light's components. These <code>vec3(1.0)</code> values can be influenced individually as well for each light source and this is usually what we want. Right now the ambient component of the object is fully influencing the color of the cube. The ambient component shouldn't really have such a big impact on the final color so we can restrict the ambient color by setting the light's ambient intensity to a lower value: 436 </p> 437 438 <pre><code> 439 vec3 ambient = vec3(0.1) * material.ambient; 440 </code></pre> 441 442 <p> 443 We can influence the diffuse and specular intensity of the light source in the same way. This is closely similar to what we did in the <a href="" target="_blank">previous</a> chapter; you could say we already created some light properties to influence each lighting component individually. We'll want to create something similar to the material struct for the light properties: 444 </p> 445 446 <pre><code> 447 struct Light { 448 vec3 position; 449 450 vec3 ambient; 451 vec3 diffuse; 452 vec3 specular; 453 }; 454 455 uniform Light light; 456 </code></pre> 457 458 <p> 459 A light source has a different intensity for its <var>ambient</var>, <var>diffuse</var> and <var>specular</var> components. The ambient light is usually set to a low intensity because we don't want the ambient color to be too dominant. The diffuse component of a light source is usually set to the exact color we'd like a light to have; often a bright white color. The specular component is usually kept at <code>vec3(1.0)</code> shining at full intensity. Note that we also added the light's position vector to the struct. 460 461 <p> 462 Just like with the material uniform we need to update the fragment shader: 463 </p> 464 465 <pre><code> 466 vec3 ambient = light.ambient * material.ambient; 467 vec3 diffuse = light.diffuse * (diff * material.diffuse); 468 vec3 specular = light.specular * (spec * material.specular); 469 </code></pre> 470 471 <p> 472 We then want to set the light intensities in the application: 473 </p> 474 475 <pre><code> 476 lightingShader.setVec3("light.ambient", 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); 477 lightingShader.setVec3("light.diffuse", 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // darken diffuse light a bit 478 lightingShader.setVec3("light.specular", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); 479 </code></pre> 480 481 <p> 482 Now that we modulated how the light influences the object's material we get a visual output that looks much like the output from the previous chapter. This time however we got full control over the lighting and the material of the object: 483 </p> 484 485 <img src="/img/lighting/materials_light.png" class="clean"/> 486 487 <p> 488 Changing the visual aspects of objects is relatively easy right now. Let's spice things up a bit! 489 </p> 490 491 <h2>Different light colors</h2> 492 <p> 493 So far we used light colors to only vary the intensity of their individual components by choosing colors that range from white to gray to black, not affecting the actual colors of the object (only its intensity). Since we now have easy access to the light's properties we can change their colors over time to get some really interesting effects. Since everything is already set up in the fragment shader, changing the light's colors is easy and immediately creates some funky effects: 494 </p> 495 496 <div class="video paused" onclick="ClickVideo(this)"> 497 <video width="600" height="450" loop> 498 <source src="/video/lighting/materials.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> 499 <img src="/img/lighting/materials_light_colors.png"/> 500 </video> 501 </div> 502 503 504 <p> 505 As you can see, a different light color greatly influences the object's color output. Since the light color directly influences what colors the object can reflect (as you may remember from the <a href="" target="_blank">Colors</a> chapter) it has a significant impact on the visual output. 506 </p> 507 508 <p> 509 We can easily change the light's colors over time by changing the light's ambient and diffuse colors via <fun>sin</fun> and <fun><function id='47'>glfwGetTime</function></fun>: 510 </p> 511 512 <pre><code> 513 glm::vec3 lightColor; 514 lightColor.x = sin(<function id='47'>glfwGetTime</function>() * 2.0f); 515 lightColor.y = sin(<function id='47'>glfwGetTime</function>() * 0.7f); 516 lightColor.z = sin(<function id='47'>glfwGetTime</function>() * 1.3f); 517 518 glm::vec3 diffuseColor = lightColor * glm::vec3(0.5f); 519 glm::vec3 ambientColor = diffuseColor * glm::vec3(0.2f); 520 521 lightingShader.setVec3("light.ambient", ambientColor); 522 lightingShader.setVec3("light.diffuse", diffuseColor); 523 </code></pre> 524 525 <p> 526 Try and experiment with several lighting and material values and see how they affect the visual output. You can find the source code of the application <a href="/code_viewer_gh.php?code=src/" target="_blank">here</a>. 527 </p> 528 529 <h2>Exercises</h2> 530 <p> 531 <ul> 532 <li>Can you make it so that changing the light color changes the color of the light's cube object?</li> 533 <li>Can you simulate some of the real-world objects by defining their respective materials like we've seen at the start of this chapter? Note that the <a href="" target="_blank">table</a>'s ambient values are not the same as the diffuse values; they didn't take light intensities into account. To correctly set their values you'd have to set all the light intensities to <code>vec3(1.0)</code> to get the same output: <a href="/code_viewer_gh.php?code=src/" target="_blank">solution</a> of cyan plastic container.</li> 534 </ul> 535 </p> 536 537 </div> 538 539 </main> 540 </body> 541 </html>