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</a> 83 </li> 84 <li id="Model-Loading/Mesh"> 85 <a href="">Mesh </a> 86 </li> 87 <li id="Model-Loading/Model"> 88 <a href="">Model </a> 89 </li> 90 </ol> 91 </li> 92 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL"> 93 <span class="closed">Advanced OpenGL </span> 94 <ol> 95 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Depth-testing"> 96 <a href="">Depth testing </a> 97 </li> 98 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Stencil-testing"> 99 <a href="">Stencil testing </a> 100 </li> 101 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Blending"> 102 <a href="">Blending </a> 103 </li> 104 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Face-culling"> 105 <a href="">Face culling </a> 106 </li> 107 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Framebuffers"> 108 <a href="">Framebuffers </a> 109 </li> 110 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Cubemaps"> 111 <a href="">Cubemaps </a> 112 </li> 113 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-Data"> 114 <a href="">Advanced Data </a> 115 </li> 116 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-GLSL"> 117 <a href="">Advanced GLSL </a> 118 </li> 119 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Geometry-Shader"> 120 <a href="">Geometry Shader </a> 121 </li> 122 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing"> 123 <a href="">Instancing </a> 124 </li> 125 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Anti-Aliasing"> 126 <a href="">Anti Aliasing </a> 127 </li> 128 </ol> 129 </li> 130 <li id="Advanced-Lighting"> 131 <span class="closed">Advanced Lighting </span> 132 <ol> 133 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Advanced-Lighting"> 134 <a href="">Advanced Lighting </a> 135 </li> 136 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Gamma-Correction"> 137 <a href="">Gamma Correction </a> 138 </li> 139 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows"> 140 <span class="closed">Shadows </span> 141 <ol> 142 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Shadow-Mapping"> 143 <a href="">Shadow Mapping </a> 144 </li> 145 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Point-Shadows"> 146 <a href="">Point Shadows </a> 147 </li> 148 </ol> 149 </li> 150 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Normal-Mapping"> 151 <a href="">Normal Mapping </a> 152 </li> 153 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Parallax-Mapping"> 154 <a href="">Parallax Mapping </a> 155 </li> 156 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/HDR"> 157 <a href="">HDR </a> 158 </li> 159 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Bloom"> 160 <a href="">Bloom </a> 161 </li> 162 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Deferred-Shading"> 163 <a href="">Deferred Shading </a> 164 </li> 165 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/SSAO"> 166 <a href="">SSAO </a> 167 </li> 168 </ol> 169 </li> 170 <li id="PBR"> 171 <span class="closed">PBR </span> 172 <ol> 173 <li id="PBR/Theory"> 174 <a href="">Theory </a> 175 </li> 176 <li id="PBR/Lighting"> 177 <a href="">Lighting </a> 178 </li> 179 <li id="PBR/IBL"> 180 <span class="closed">IBL </span> 181 <ol> 182 <li id="PBR/IBL/Diffuse-irradiance"> 183 <a href="">Diffuse irradiance </a> 184 </li> 185 <li id="PBR/IBL/Specular-IBL"> 186 <a href="">Specular IBL </a> 187 </li> 188 </ol> 189 </li> 190 </ol> 191 </li> 192 <li id="In-Practice"> 193 <span class="closed">In Practice </span> 194 <ol> 195 <li id="In-Practice/Debugging"> 196 <a href="">Debugging </a> 197 </li> 198 <li id="In-Practice/Text-Rendering"> 199 <a href="">Text Rendering </a> 200 </li> 201 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game"> 202 <span class="closed">2D Game </span> 203 <ol> 204 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Breakout"> 205 <a href="">Breakout </a> 206 </li> 207 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Setting-up"> 208 <a href="">Setting up </a> 209 </li> 210 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Rendering-Sprites"> 211 <a href="">Rendering Sprites </a> 212 </li> 213 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Levels"> 214 <a href="">Levels </a> 215 </li> 216 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions"> 217 <span class="closed">Collisions </span> 218 <ol> 219 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Ball"> 220 <a href="">Ball </a> 221 </li> 222 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Collision-detection"> 223 <a href="">Collision detection </a> 224 </li> 225 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Collision-resolution"> 226 <a href="">Collision resolution </a> 227 </li> 228 </ol> 229 </li> 230 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Particles"> 231 <a href="">Particles </a> 232 </li> 233 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Postprocessing"> 234 <a href="">Postprocessing </a> 235 </li> 236 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Powerups"> 237 <a href="">Powerups </a> 238 </li> 239 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Audio"> 240 <a href="">Audio </a> 241 </li> 242 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Render-text"> 243 <a href="">Render text </a> 244 </li> 245 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Final-thoughts"> 246 <a href="">Final thoughts </a> 247 </li> 248 </ol> 249 </li> 250 </ol> 251 </li> 252 <li id="Guest-Articles"> 253 <span class="closed">Guest Articles </span> 254 <ol> 255 <li id="Guest-Articles/How-to-publish"> 256 <a href="">How to publish </a> 257 </li> 258 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020"> 259 <span class="closed">2020 </span> 260 <ol> 261 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT"> 262 <span class="closed">OIT </span> 263 <ol> 264 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT/Introduction"> 265 <a href="">Introduction </a> 266 </li> 267 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT/Weighted-Blended"> 268 <a href="">Weighted Blended </a> 269 </li> 270 </ol> 271 </li> 272 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/Skeletal-Animation"> 273 <a href="">Skeletal Animation </a> 274 </li> 275 </ol> 276 </li> 277 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021"> 278 <span class="closed">2021 </span> 279 <ol> 280 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/CSM"> 281 <a href="">CSM </a> 282 </li> 283 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene"> 284 <span class="closed">Scene </span> 285 <ol> 286 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Scene-Graph"> 287 <a href="">Scene Graph </a> 288 </li> 289 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Frustum-Culling"> 290 <a href="">Frustum Culling </a> 291 </li> 292 </ol> 293 </li> 294 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Tessellation"> 295 <span class="closed">Tessellation </span> 296 <ol> 297 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Tessellation/Height-map"> 298 <a href="">Height map </a> 299 </li> 300 </ol> 301 </li> 302 </ol> 303 </li> 304 </ol> 305 </li> 306 <li id="Code-repository"> 307 <a href="">Code repository </a> 308 </li> 309 <li id="Translations"> 310 <a href="">Translations </a> 311 </li> 312 <li id="About"> 313 <a href="">About </a> 314 </li> 315 </ol> 316 </nav> 317 <main> 318 <h1 id="content-title">Particles</h1> 319 <h1 id="content-url" style='display:none;'>In-Practice/2D-Game/Particles</h1> 320 <p> 321 A <def>particle</def>, as seen from OpenGL's perspective, is a tiny 2D quad that is always facing the camera (billboarding) and (usually) contains a texture with large parts of the sprite being transparent. A particle by itself is effectively just a sprite as we've been using extensively so far. However, when you put together hundreds or even thousands of these particles together you can create amazing effects. 322 </p> 323 324 <p> 325 When working with particles, there is usually an object called a <def>particle emitter</def> or <def>particle generator</def> that, from its location, continuously <def>spawns</def> new particles that decay over time. If such a particle emitter would for example spawn tiny particles with a smoke-like texture, color them less bright the larger the distance from the emitter, and give them a glowy appearance, you'd get a fire-like effect: 326 </p> 327 328 <img src="/img/in-practice/breakout/particles_example.jpg" alt="Example of particles as a fire"/> 329 330 <p> 331 A single particle often has a life variable that slowly decays once it's spawned. Once its life is less than a certain threshold (usually <code>0</code>), we <def>kill</def> the particle so it can be replaced with a new particle when the next particle spawns. A particle emitter controls all its spawned particles and changes their behavior based on their attributes. A particle generally has the following attributes: 332 </p> 333 334 <pre><code> 335 struct Particle { 336 glm::vec2 Position, Velocity; 337 glm::vec4 Color; 338 float Life; 339 340 Particle() 341 : Position(0.0f), Velocity(0.0f), Color(1.0f), Life(0.0f) { } 342 }; 343 </code></pre> 344 345 <p> 346 Looking at the fire example, the particle emitter probably spawns each particle with a position close to the emitter and with an upwards velocity. It seems to have 3 different regions, so it probably gives some particles a higher velocity than others. We can also see that the higher the <code>y</code> position of the particle, the less <em>yellow</em> or <em>bright</em> its color becomes. After the particles have reached a certain height, their life is depleted and the particles are killed; never reaching the stars. 347 </p> 348 349 <p> 350 You can imagine that with systems like these we can create interesting effects like fire, smoke, fog, magic effects, gunfire residue etc. In Breakout, we're going to add a simple particle generator that follows the ball to make it all look just a bit more interesting. It'll look something like this: 351 </p> 352 353 <div class="video paused" onclick="ClickVideo(this)"> 354 <video width="600" height="450" loop> 355 <source src="/video/in-practice/breakout/particles.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> 356 <img src="/img/in-practice/breakout/particles.png" class="clean"/> 357 </video> 358 </div> 359 360 <p> 361 Here, the particle generator spawns each particle at the ball's position, gives it a velocity equal to a fraction of the ball's velocity, and changes the color of the particle based on how long it lived. 362 </p> 363 364 <p> 365 For rendering the particles we'll be using a different set of shaders: 366 </p> 367 368 <pre><code> 369 #version 330 core 370 layout (location = 0) in vec4 vertex; // <vec2 position, vec2 texCoords> 371 372 out vec2 TexCoords; 373 out vec4 ParticleColor; 374 375 uniform mat4 projection; 376 uniform vec2 offset; 377 uniform vec4 color; 378 379 void main() 380 { 381 float scale = 10.0f; 382 TexCoords =; 383 ParticleColor = color; 384 gl_Position = projection * vec4((vertex.xy * scale) + offset, 0.0, 1.0); 385 } 386 </code></pre> 387 388 <p> 389 And the fragment shader: 390 </p> 391 392 <pre><code> 393 #version 330 core 394 in vec2 TexCoords; 395 in vec4 ParticleColor; 396 out vec4 color; 397 398 uniform sampler2D sprite; 399 400 void main() 401 { 402 color = (texture(sprite, TexCoords) * ParticleColor); 403 } 404 </code></pre> 405 406 <p> 407 We take the standard position and texture attributes per particle and also accept an <var>offset</var> and a <var>color</var> uniform for changing the outcome per particle. Note that in the vertex shader we scale the particle quad by <code>10.0f</code>; you can also set the scale as a uniform and control this individually per particle. 408 </p> 409 410 <p> 411 First, we need a list of particles that we instantiate with default <fun>Particle</fun> structs: 412 </p> 413 414 <pre><code> 415 unsigned int nr_particles = 500; 416 std::vector<Particle> particles; 417 418 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nr_particles; ++i) 419 particles.push_back(Particle()); 420 </code></pre> 421 422 <p> 423 Then in each frame, we spawn several new particles with starting values. For each particle that is (still) alive we also update their values: 424 </p> 425 426 <pre><code> 427 unsigned int nr_new_particles = 2; 428 // add new particles 429 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nr_new_particles; ++i) 430 { 431 int unusedParticle = FirstUnusedParticle(); 432 RespawnParticle(particles[unusedParticle], object, offset); 433 } 434 // update all particles 435 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nr_particles; ++i) 436 { 437 Particle &p = particles[i]; 438 p.Life -= dt; // reduce life 439 if (p.Life > 0.0f) 440 { // particle is alive, thus update 441 p.Position -= p.Velocity * dt; 442 p.Color.a -= dt * 2.5f; 443 } 444 } 445 </code></pre> 446 447 <p> 448 The first loop may look a little daunting. As particles die over time we want to spawn <var>nr_new_particles</var> particles each frame, but since we don't want to infinitely keep spawning new particles (we'll quickly run out of memory this way) we only spawn up to a max of <var>nr_particles</var>. If were to push all new particles to the end of the list we'll quickly get a list filled with thousands of particles. This isn't really efficient considering only a small portion of that list has particles that are alive. 449 </p> 450 451 <p> 452 What we want is to find the first particle that is dead (life < <code>0.0f</code>) and update that particle as a new respawned particle. 453 </p> 454 455 <p> 456 The function <fun>FirstUnusedParticle</fun> tries to find the first particle that is dead and returns its index to the caller. 457 </p> 458 459 <pre><code> 460 unsigned int lastUsedParticle = 0; 461 unsigned int FirstUnusedParticle() 462 { 463 // search from last used particle, this will usually return almost instantly 464 for (unsigned int i = lastUsedParticle; i < nr_particles; ++i) { 465 if (particles[i].Life <= 0.0f){ 466 lastUsedParticle = i; 467 return i; 468 } 469 } 470 // otherwise, do a linear search 471 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lastUsedParticle; ++i) { 472 if (particles[i].Life <= 0.0f){ 473 lastUsedParticle = i; 474 return i; 475 } 476 } 477 // override first particle if all others are alive 478 lastUsedParticle = 0; 479 return 0; 480 } 481 </code></pre> 482 483 <p> 484 The function stores the index of the last dead particle it found. Since the next dead particle will most likely be right after the last particle index, we first search from this stored index. If we found no dead particles this way, we simply do a slower linear search. If no particles are dead, it will return index <code>0</code> which results in the first particle being overwritten. Note that if it reaches this last case, it means your particles are alive for too long; you'd need to spawn less particles per frame and/or reserve a larger number of particles. 485 </p> 486 487 <p> 488 Then, once the first dead particle in the list is found, we update its values by calling <fun>RespawnParticle</fun> that takes the particle, a <fun>GameObject</fun>, and an offset vector: 489 </p> 490 491 <pre><code> 492 void RespawnParticle(Particle &particle, GameObject &object, glm::vec2 offset) 493 { 494 float random = ((rand() % 100) - 50) / 10.0f; 495 float rColor = 0.5f + ((rand() % 100) / 100.0f); 496 particle.Position = object.Position + random + offset; 497 particle.Color = glm::vec4(rColor, rColor, rColor, 1.0f); 498 particle.Life = 1.0f; 499 particle.Velocity = object.Velocity * 0.1f; 500 } 501 </code></pre> 502 503 <p> 504 This function simply resets the particle's life to <code>1.0f</code>, randomly gives it a brightness (via the color vector) starting from <code>0.5</code>, and assigns a (slightly random) position and velocity based on the game object's data. 505 </p> 506 507 <p> 508 The second particle loop within the update function loops over all particles and for each particle reduces their life by the delta time variable; this way, each particle's life corresponds to exactly the second(s) it's allowed to live multiplied by some scalar. Then we check if the particle is alive and if so, update its position and color attributes. We also slowly reduce the alpha component of each particle so it looks like they're slowly disappearing over time. 509 </p> 510 511 <p> 512 Then what's left to do is render the particles: 513 </p> 514 515 <pre><code> 516 <function id='70'>glBlendFunc</function>(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); 517 particleShader.Use(); 518 for (Particle particle : particles) 519 { 520 if (particle.Life > 0.0f) 521 { 522 particleShader.SetVector2f("offset", particle.Position); 523 particleShader.SetVector4f("color", particle.Color); 524 particleTexture.Bind(); 525 <function id='27'>glBindVertexArray</function>(particleVAO); 526 <function id='1'>glDrawArrays</function>(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); 527 <function id='27'>glBindVertexArray</function>(0); 528 } 529 } 530 <function id='70'>glBlendFunc</function>(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); 531 </code></pre> 532 533 <p> 534 Here, for each particle, we set their offset and color uniform values, bind the texture, and render the 2D quad. What's interesting to note here are the two calls to <fun><function id='70'>glBlendFunc</function></fun>. When rendering the particles, instead of the default destination blend mode of <code>GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA</code>, we use the <code>GL_ONE</code> (additive) blend mode that gives the particles a very neat <def>glow effect</def> when stacked onto each other. This is also likely the blend mode used when rendering the fire at the top of the chapter, since the fire is more 'glowy' at the center where most of the particles are. 535 </p> 536 537 <p> 538 Because we (like most other parts of the Breakout chapters) like to keep things organized, we create another class called <fun>ParticleGenerator</fun> that hosts all the functionality we just described. You can find the source code below: 539 </p> 540 541 <ul> 542 <li><a href="/code_viewer_gh.php?code=src/7.in_practice/3.2d_game/0.full_source/particle_generator.h" target="_blank">header</a>, <a href="/code_viewer_gh.php?code=src/7.in_practice/3.2d_game/0.full_source/particle_generator.cpp" target="_blank">code</a></li> 543 </ul> 544 545 <p> 546 Within the game code, we create a particle generator and initialize it with <a href="/img/in-practice/breakout/textures/particle.png" target="_blank">this</a> texture. 547 </p> 548 549 <pre><code> 550 ParticleGenerator *Particles; 551 552 void Game::Init() 553 { 554 [...] 555 ResourceManager::LoadShader("shaders/particle.vs", "shaders/particle.frag", nullptr, "particle"); 556 [...] 557 ResourceManager::LoadTexture("textures/particle.png", true, "particle"); 558 [...] 559 Particles = new ParticleGenerator( 560 ResourceManager::GetShader("particle"), 561 ResourceManager::GetTexture("particle"), 562 500 563 ); 564 } 565 </code></pre> 566 567 <p> 568 Then we change the game class's <fun>Update</fun> function by adding an update statement for the particle generator: 569 </p> 570 571 <pre><code> 572 void Game::Update(float dt) 573 { 574 [...] 575 // update particles 576 Particles->Update(dt, *Ball, 2, glm::vec2(Ball->Radius / 2.0f)); 577 [...] 578 } 579 </code></pre> 580 581 <p> 582 Each of the particles will use the game object properties from the ball object, spawn 2 particles each frame, and their positions will be offset towards the center of the ball. Last up is rendering the particles: 583 </p> 584 585 <pre><code> 586 void Game::Render() 587 { 588 if (this->State == GAME_ACTIVE) 589 { 590 [...] 591 // draw player 592 Player->Draw(*Renderer); 593 // draw particles 594 Particles->Draw(); 595 // draw ball 596 Ball->Draw(*Renderer); 597 } 598 } 599 </code></pre> 600 601 <p> 602 Note that we render the particles before we render the ball. This way, the particles end up rendered in front of all other objects, but behind the ball. You can find the updated game class code <a href="/code_viewer_gh.php?code=src/7.in_practice/3.2d_game/0.full_source/progress/" target="_blank">here</a>. 603 </p> 604 605 <p> 606 If you'd now compile and run your application you should see a trail of particles following the ball, just like at the beginning of the chapter, giving the game a more modern look. The system can also easily be extended to host more advanced effects, so feel free to experiment with the particle generation and see if you can come up with your own creative effects. 607 </p> 608 609 </div> 610 611 <div id="hover"> 612 HI 613 </div> 614 <!-- 728x90/320x50 sticky footer --> 615 <div id="waldo-tag-6196"></div> 616 617 <div id="disqus_thread"></div> 618 619 620 621 622 </div> <!-- container div --> 623 624 625 </div> <!-- super container div --> 626 </body> 627 </html> 628 </main> 629 </body> 630 </html>