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id="Getting-started/Hello-Triangle"> 30 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Hello-Triangle">最初の三角形</a> 31 </li> 32 <li id="Getting-started/Shaders"> 33 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Shaders">シェーダー</a> 34 </li> 35 <li id="Getting-started/Textures"> 36 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Textures">テクスチャ</a> 37 </li> 38 <li id="Getting-started/Transformations"> 39 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Transformations">座標変換</a> 40 </li> 41 <li id="Getting-started/Coordinate-Systems"> 42 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Coordinate-Systems">座標系</a> 43 </li> 44 <li id="Getting-started/Camera"> 45 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Camera">カメラ</a> 46 </li> 47 <li id="Getting-started/Review"> 48 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Review">まとめ</a> 49 </li> 50 </ol> 51 </li> 52 <li id="Lighting"> 53 <span class="closed">Lighting </span> 54 <ol> 55 <li id="Lighting/Colors"> 56 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Lighting/Colors">Colors </a> 57 </li> 58 <li id="Lighting/Basic-Lighting"> 59 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Lighting/Basic-Lighting">Basic Lighting </a> 60 </li> 61 <li id="Lighting/Materials"> 62 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Lighting/Materials">Materials </a> 63 </li> 64 <li id="Lighting/Lighting-maps"> 65 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Lighting/Lighting-maps">Lighting maps </a> 66 </li> 67 <li id="Lighting/Light-casters"> 68 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Lighting/Light-casters">Light casters </a> 69 </li> 70 <li id="Lighting/Multiple-lights"> 71 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Lighting/Multiple-lights">Multiple lights </a> 72 </li> 73 <li id="Lighting/Review"> 74 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Lighting/Review">Review </a> 75 </li> 76 </ol> 77 </li> 78 <li id="Model-Loading"> 79 <span class="closed">Model Loading </span> 80 <ol> 81 <li id="Model-Loading/Assimp"> 82 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Model-Loading/Assimp">Assimp </a> 83 </li> 84 <li id="Model-Loading/Mesh"> 85 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Model-Loading/Mesh">Mesh </a> 86 </li> 87 <li id="Model-Loading/Model"> 88 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Model-Loading/Model">Model </a> 89 </li> 90 </ol> 91 </li> 92 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL"> 93 <span class="closed">Advanced OpenGL </span> 94 <ol> 95 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Depth-testing"> 96 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Depth-testing">Depth testing </a> 97 </li> 98 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Stencil-testing"> 99 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Stencil-testing">Stencil testing </a> 100 </li> 101 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Blending"> 102 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Blending">Blending </a> 103 </li> 104 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Face-culling"> 105 <a href="https://learnopengl.cm/Advanced-OpenGL/Face-culling">Face culling </a> 106 </li> 107 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Framebuffers"> 108 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Framebuffers">Framebuffers </a> 109 </li> 110 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Cubemaps"> 111 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Cubemaps">Cubemaps </a> 112 </li> 113 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-Data"> 114 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-Data">Advanced Data </a> 115 </li> 116 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-GLSL"> 117 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Advanced-GLSL">Advanced GLSL </a> 118 </li> 119 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Geometry-Shader"> 120 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Geometry-Shader">Geometry Shader </a> 121 </li> 122 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing"> 123 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing">Instancing </a> 124 </li> 125 <li id="Advanced-OpenGL/Anti-Aliasing"> 126 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-OpenGL/Anti-Aliasing">Anti Aliasing </a> 127 </li> 128 </ol> 129 </li> 130 <li id="Advanced-Lighting"> 131 <span class="closed">Advanced Lighting </span> 132 <ol> 133 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Advanced-Lighting"> 134 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Advanced-Lighting">Advanced Lighting </a> 135 </li> 136 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Gamma-Correction"> 137 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Gamma-Correction">Gamma Correction </a> 138 </li> 139 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows"> 140 <span class="closed">Shadows </span> 141 <ol> 142 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Shadow-Mapping"> 143 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Shadow-Mapping">Shadow Mapping </a> 144 </li> 145 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Point-Shadows"> 146 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Point-Shadows">Point Shadows </a> 147 </li> 148 </ol> 149 </li> 150 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Normal-Mapping"> 151 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Normal-Mapping">Normal Mapping </a> 152 </li> 153 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Parallax-Mapping"> 154 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Parallax-Mapping">Parallax Mapping </a> 155 </li> 156 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/HDR"> 157 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/HDR">HDR </a> 158 </li> 159 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Bloom"> 160 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Bloom">Bloom </a> 161 </li> 162 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/Deferred-Shading"> 163 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/Deferred-Shading">Deferred Shading </a> 164 </li> 165 <li id="Advanced-Lighting/SSAO"> 166 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/SSAO">SSAO </a> 167 </li> 168 </ol> 169 </li> 170 <li id="PBR"> 171 <span class="closed">PBR </span> 172 <ol> 173 <li id="PBR/Theory"> 174 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/PBR/Theory">Theory </a> 175 </li> 176 <li id="PBR/Lighting"> 177 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/PBR/Lighting">Lighting </a> 178 </li> 179 <li id="PBR/IBL"> 180 <span class="closed">IBL </span> 181 <ol> 182 <li id="PBR/IBL/Diffuse-irradiance"> 183 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/PBR/IBL/Diffuse-irradiance">Diffuse irradiance </a> 184 </li> 185 <li id="PBR/IBL/Specular-IBL"> 186 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/PBR/IBL/Specular-IBL">Specular IBL </a> 187 </li> 188 </ol> 189 </li> 190 </ol> 191 </li> 192 <li id="In-Practice"> 193 <span class="closed">In Practice </span> 194 <ol> 195 <li id="In-Practice/Debugging"> 196 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/Debugging">Debugging </a> 197 </li> 198 <li id="In-Practice/Text-Rendering"> 199 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/Text-Rendering">Text Rendering </a> 200 </li> 201 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game"> 202 <span class="closed">2D Game </span> 203 <ol> 204 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Breakout"> 205 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Breakout">Breakout </a> 206 </li> 207 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Setting-up"> 208 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Setting-up">Setting up </a> 209 </li> 210 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Rendering-Sprites"> 211 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Rendering-Sprites">Rendering Sprites </a> 212 </li> 213 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Levels"> 214 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Levels">Levels </a> 215 </li> 216 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions"> 217 <span class="closed">Collisions </span> 218 <ol> 219 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Ball"> 220 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Ball">Ball </a> 221 </li> 222 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Collision-detection"> 223 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Collision-detection">Collision detection </a> 224 </li> 225 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Collision-resolution"> 226 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Collisions/Collision-resolution">Collision resolution </a> 227 </li> 228 </ol> 229 </li> 230 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Particles"> 231 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Particles">Particles </a> 232 </li> 233 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Postprocessing"> 234 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Postprocessing">Postprocessing </a> 235 </li> 236 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Powerups"> 237 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Powerups">Powerups </a> 238 </li> 239 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Audio"> 240 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Audio">Audio </a> 241 </li> 242 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Render-text"> 243 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Render-text">Render text </a> 244 </li> 245 <li id="In-Practice/2D-Game/Final-thoughts"> 246 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/In-Practice/2D-Game/Final-thoughts">Final thoughts </a> 247 </li> 248 </ol> 249 </li> 250 </ol> 251 </li> 252 <li id="Guest-Articles"> 253 <span class="closed">Guest Articles </span> 254 <ol> 255 <li id="Guest-Articles/How-to-publish"> 256 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/How-to-publish">How to publish </a> 257 </li> 258 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020"> 259 <span class="closed">2020 </span> 260 <ol> 261 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT"> 262 <span class="closed">OIT </span> 263 <ol> 264 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT/Introduction"> 265 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/2020/OIT/Introduction">Introduction </a> 266 </li> 267 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/OIT/Weighted-Blended"> 268 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/2020/OIT/Weighted-Blended">Weighted Blended </a> 269 </li> 270 </ol> 271 </li> 272 <li id="Guest-Articles/2020/Skeletal-Animation"> 273 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/2020/Skeletal-Animation">Skeletal Animation </a> 274 </li> 275 </ol> 276 </li> 277 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021"> 278 <span class="closed">2021 </span> 279 <ol> 280 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/CSM"> 281 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/2021/CSM">CSM </a> 282 </li> 283 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene"> 284 <span class="closed">Scene </span> 285 <ol> 286 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Scene-Graph"> 287 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Scene-Graph">Scene Graph </a> 288 </li> 289 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Frustum-Culling"> 290 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/2021/Scene/Frustum-Culling">Frustum Culling </a> 291 </li> 292 </ol> 293 </li> 294 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Tessellation"> 295 <span class="closed">Tessellation </span> 296 <ol> 297 <li id="Guest-Articles/2021/Tessellation/Height-map"> 298 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Guest-Articles/2021/Tessellation/Height-map">Height map </a> 299 </li> 300 </ol> 301 </li> 302 </ol> 303 </li> 304 </ol> 305 </li> 306 <li id="Code-repository"> 307 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Code-repository">Code repository </a> 308 </li> 309 <li id="Translations"> 310 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/Translations">Translations </a> 311 </li> 312 <li id="About"> 313 <a href="https://learnopengl.com/About">About </a> 314 </li> 315 </ol> 316 </nav> 317 <main> 318 <h1 id="content-title">About</h1> 319 <h1 id="content-url" style='display:none;'>About</h1> 320 <p> 321 Hi, my name is <a href="http://joeydevries.com" target="_blank">Joey de Vries</a> and I'm the sole author of LearnOpenGL. As you have probably guessed, I'm a computer graphics enthusiast. 322 </p> 323 324 <p> 325 Computer graphics have always been a strong interest of mine, either because I enjoyed the visuals of movie effects and video games, or simply liked moving pixels. It wasn't until joining a computer science program at Utrecht University that I started to take programming and computer graphics seriously. I developed a strong eagerness to learn computer graphics (specifically OpenGL) and video game development, honing these skills as a hobby alongside my studies; using a multitude of online tutorials similar to sites like this. However, I always felt that the available online tutorials regarding OpenGL were either incomplete, contained errors or try to be overly complicated for no good reason. Therefore, it's always been in my mind to set up an OpenGL tutorial resource one day that tries to overcome these hurdles. 326 </p> 327 328 <p> 329 Around June 2014 I published this website and started generating a large batch of content for everyone to enjoy. I am continuously striving to create one of the best OpenGL resources while also making it easy-to-understand and fun to learn. This means I will try to add as much content as I see fit and frequently revisit old chapters to improve their content. By now I have over 5 years of professional industry experience, both in WebGL/OpenGL and as a AAA game engine developer. This experience translates in continuous improvements on Learn OpenGL as I fix mistakes, improve explanations, and learn better approaches to teaching. Let me know what you think of the site in the comments or by contacting me <a href="mailto:learnopengl.com@gmail.com">personally</a> and let's try to together make this the number one resource for learning modern OpenGL! 330 </p> 331 332 <p> 333 All code samples, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are licensed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license as published by Creative Commons, either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You can find a human-readable format of the license <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" target="_blank">here</a> and the full license <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode" target="_blank">here</a>. 334 </p> 335 336 <p> 337 Similarly, all images (and videos) are licensed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license as published by Creative Commons, either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You can find a human-readable format of the license <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" target="_blank">here</a> and the full license <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode" target="_blank">here</a>. 338 </p> 339 340 <p> 341 When attributing any of the licensed works, please include a copyright notice including a (hyper)link to the copyrighted work and a link to the specific license. Please also mention my full name (Joey de Vries), this website (or a link to the relevant article where applicable), and my personal twitter handle: <a href="https://twitter.com/JoeyDeVriez" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/JoeyDeVriez</a>. 342 </p> 343 344 </div> 345 346 </main> 347 </body> 348 </html>