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definitions (6122B)

      1 (bi)linear filtering
      2 2D array textures
      3 3D modeling tools
      4 AO
      5 Ambient lighting
      6 Application Programming Interface
      7 BRDF
      8 BRDF integration
      9 Bitangent
     10 Blending
     11 Blinn-Phong
     12 Bloom
     13 Breakout
     14 Cook-Torrance BRDF
     15 Deferred shading
     16 Definition
     17 Diffuse lighting
     18 Framebuffers
     19 Fresnel
     20 Fresnel-Schlick
     21 G-buffer
     22 GLSL
     23 GLSL lang validator
     24 GameState
     25 Gaussian blur
     26 Gimbal lock
     27 Gouraud shading
     28 Gram-Schmidt process
     29 Gramm-Schmidt process
     30 Hammersley Sequence
     31 Lambertian diffuse
     32 LookAt
     33 Monte Carlo integration
     34 Multiple Render Targets (MRT)
     35 N-dimensional
     36 Normal
     37 OIT
     38 OpenGL Shading Language
     39 Parallax Mapping with Offset Limiting
     40 Parallax Occlusion Mapping
     41 Percentage-closer filtering
     42 Phong lighting model
     43 Phong shading
     44 Pythagoras theorem
     45 Quasi-Monte Carlo integration
     46 Reinhard tone mapping
     47 Relief Parallax Mapping
     48 Renderbuffer objects
     49 Riemann sum
     50 Smith's method
     51 Specular lighting
     52 SpriteRenderer
     53 TBN
     54 Tangent
     55 Translation
     56 Uniforms
     57 VAO
     58 VBO
     59 Van Der Corput
     60 accum
     61 albedo
     62 aliasing
     63 aligned offset
     64 alpha
     65 alpha test
     66 ambient lighting
     67 ambient occlusion
     68 angle
     69 anti-aliasing
     70 approximate
     71 attachment
     72 attenuation
     73 attribute divisor
     74 automatic exposure adjustment
     75 axis-aligned bounding box
     76 back facing
     77 back-facing
     78 banding
     79 base alignment
     80 base reflectivity
     81 baseline
     82 batched
     83 biased
     84 bidirectional reflective distribution function
     85 binding points
     86 bitmap font
     87 blend
     88 blend equation
     89 blending
     90 blends
     91 blitting
     92 block name
     93 bloom
     94 blur
     95 brick
     96 buffer target
     97 built-in
     98 built-in variables
     99 bump mapping
    100 camera
    101 camera space
    102 capture
    103 clamp
    104 clamps
    105 clip coordinates
    106 clip space
    107 clipped
    108 clipping
    109 clipping volume
    110 clockwise
    111 collision detection
    112 collision resolution
    113 collision shapes
    114 color buffer
    115 column-major ordering
    116 commutative
    117 complete
    118 component-wise
    119 composite
    120 conductor
    121 constant
    122 context
    123 converge
    124 convoluting
    125 convolution
    126 core-profile
    127 counter-clockwise
    128 cross product
    129 cube map
    130 cull
    131 cutoff
    132 data oriented design
    133 debug output
    134 default framebuffer
    135 deferred lighting
    136 deferred rendering
    137 deltatime
    138 depth buffer
    139 depth condition
    140 depth map
    141 depth testing
    142 depth values
    143 destination factor
    144 dielectric
    145 dielectrics
    146 diffuse map
    147 dimensions
    148 direction
    149 direction vector
    150 directional light
    151 directional shadow mapping
    152 discard
    153 displacement mapping
    154 dot product
    155 dynamic environment mapping
    156 early depth testing
    157 edge-detection
    158 element
    159 element buffer objects
    160 emission map
    161 energy conservation
    162 environment mapping
    163 epsilon
    164 equirectangular map
    165 exact
    166 exit condition
    167 explode
    168 extension
    169 eye adaptation
    170 eye space
    171 face
    172 face culling
    173 far
    174 faster rate of convergence
    175 field of view
    176 fixed function pipeline
    177 floating point framebuffer
    178 format
    179 forward rendering
    180 forward shading
    181 fov
    182 fragment interpolation
    183 fragment shader
    184 frame
    185 framebuffer
    186 front facing
    187 front-facing
    188 frustum
    189 functions
    190 fur
    191 game object
    192 gamma
    193 gamma correction
    194 geometry pass
    195 geometry shader
    196 global
    197 global illumination
    198 glow effect
    199 glyphs
    200 graphics pipeline
    201 halfway vector
    202 height map
    203 hemisphere
    204 high dynamic range
    205 homogeneous coordinate
    206 identity matrix
    207 image based lighting
    208 immediate mode
    209 importance sampling
    210 incident
    211 indexed drawing
    212 inner
    213 instance count
    214 instance name
    215 instanced arrays
    216 instances
    217 instancing
    218 integral
    219 interface block
    220 interface blocks
    221 interleaved
    222 internalformat
    223 interpolates
    224 inverse-square law
    225 invocation count
    226 irradiance
    227 irradiance map
    228 jagged edges
    229 kernel
    230 kill
    231 law of large numbers
    232 layered rendering
    233 light caster
    234 light volumes
    235 lighting pass
    236 linear
    237 linear depth buffer
    238 link
    239 local coordinates
    240 local memory limited occupancy
    241 local space
    242 low dynamic range
    243 low-discrepancy sequences
    244 magnifying
    245 magnitude
    246 material
    247 matrix
    248 mesh
    249 metallic
    250 metallic workflow
    251 metalness
    252 microfacets
    253 minifying
    254 mipmaps
    255 model
    256 multiple render targets
    257 multisample anti-aliasing
    258 multisample buffer
    259 near
    260 nearest neighbor
    261 noise pattern
    262 non-uniform
    263 normal distribution function
    264 normal incidence
    265 normal map
    266 normal mapping
    267 normal matrix
    268 normal vector
    269 normal-oriented hemisphere
    270 normal/bump maps
    271 normalized device coordinates
    272 normalizing
    273 object
    274 object outlining
    275 objects
    276 occlusion factor
    277 off-screen rendering
    278 offset
    279 omnidirectional shadow maps
    280 opaque type
    281 order independent transparency
    282 order-independent transparency
    283 ordered transparency
    284 origin of rotation
    285 orthogonal
    286 orthographic
    287 outer
    288 parallax mapping
    289 parallel
    290 particle
    291 particle emitter
    292 particle generator
    293 pass-through
    294 percentage-closer filtering
    295 perspective
    296 perspective division
    297 perspective projection
    298 perspective projection matrix
    299 peter panning
    300 physically based rendering
    301 pitch
    302 point
    303 point lights
    304 position vector
    305 post-processing
    306 pre-compute
    307 pre-filtered environment map
    308 preprocessor directives
    309 primitive assembly
    310 primitives
    311 probability density function
    312 projection
    313 projection matrix
    314 projects
    315 quadratic
    316 quaternions
    317 radiance
    318 radiometry
    319 rasterization stage
    320 rate of convergence
    321 ray
    322 re-orthogonalize
    323 read-only
    324 recursively
    325 reflectance equation
    326 reflected
    327 reflection
    328 reflection maps
    329 reflection probes
    330 reflection vector
    331 reflects
    332 refraction
    333 refractive indices
    334 render loop
    335 renderbuffer
    336 resolve
    337 resource manager
    338 revealage
    339 right-angle
    340 roll
    341 rotation axis
    342 roughness
    343 sRGB
    344 sample point
    345 sampler
    346 sampling
    347 scalar
    348 scatter
    349 scattering
    350 scene graph
    351 screen coordinates
    352 screen-space ambient occlusion
    353 screen-space coordinates
    354 separating axis theorem
    355 shader program
    356 shaders
    357 shadow acne
    358 shadow bias
    359 shadow map
    360 shadow mapping
    361 shadow volumes
    362 shared
    363 sharpen
    364 shininess
    365 signed distance field fonts
    366 single responsibility principle
    367 skybox
    368 smoothness
    369 solid angle
    370 source
    371 space partitioning algorithms
    372 spacing
    373 spawns
    374 specular lobe
    375 split sum approximation
    376 spotlight
    377 sprite
    378 state-changing
    379 state-using
    380 std140
    381 stencil buffer
    382 stencil test
    383 stencil value
    384 sticky paddle
    385 strafe
    386 stride
    387 stuck
    388 subsamples
    389 subsurface scattering
    390 super sample anti-aliasing
    391 swizzling
    392 tangent space
    393 target
    394 texel
    395 texture
    396 texture coordinate
    397 texture filtering
    398 texture unit
    399 tightly packed
    400 tile-based deferred shading
    401 tone mapping
    402 transform
    403 transparency
    404 triangle_strip
    405 tuple
    406 two-pass Gaussian blur
    407 uber
    408 unbiased
    409 uniform block
    410 uniform block index
    411 uniform block layout
    412 uniform buffer objects
    413 uniform scale
    414 unit vector
    415 uv-mapping
    416 vertex
    417 vertex array object
    418 vertex attribute
    419 vertex attributes
    420 vertex buffer objects
    421 vertex shader
    422 view
    423 view coordinates
    424 view matrix
    425 viewport transform
    426 winding order
    427 wireframe mode
    428 world coordinates
    429 yaw
    430 z-buffer
    431 z-fighting